Orfield Laboratories is a full perceptually-based testing practice in Acoustics, Audio-Visual systems, Lighting, Daylighting, Vision, Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality. As a NIST-Accredited Acoustic Lab and Building Performance Lab, Orfield utilizes perceptual and cognitive comfort standards to measure comfort, performance, and preference.
From fundamental acoustical and vibration testing to advanced acoustical research, design and sound quality assessment, Orfield has been a leading-edge resource since the early 1970’s. Orfield introduced the advanced measurement of consumer response into the realm of product and architectural acoustics in 1991 with the founding of the Sound Quality Working Group. Orfield Laboratories has also introduced such new acoustical measurement technologies as sound intensity and acoustic holography. Known for advancing American industries’ concept of sound quality, Orfield has impacted both the acoustical engineering and perceptual market research disciplines. Annual training seminars in sound quality analysis are conducted for the engineering and marketing staffs of numerous Fortune 500 companies.