Anechoic Chamber
“The Quietest Place on Earth”
- Guinness 2004, 2012, 2021
An Anechoic Chamber is defined as a room with high levels of sound absorption, absorbing 99.99% of sound. Located in Orfield’s NVLAP-Accredited (Lab Code 200248) Acoustic Laboratory, this anechoic chamber may be used fully anechoic, or with the addition of a reflecting plane on the floor. The approximate nominal dimensions of the chamber are as follows: 12’ x 10’ x 7-4.”
Following Orfield’s initial accreditation (Lab Code 200248) in 1997, the lab submitted to Guinness for the low levels of sound recorded in the chamber (-9.4dB, -13.4dB, -24.9dB), resulting in three Guinness Records for being “The Quietest Place on Earth” (2004, 2012, 2021). Since, the lab has operated as both a testing facility and an attraction for visitors interested in sensory deprivation.

The approximate nominal dimensions of the chamber are as follows: 12’ x 10’ x 7-4.”