Reverberation Chamber Suite
A Reverberation Chamber is defined as a room with low levels of sound absorption and high levels of reflectance; a space that is 99.99% reflective of sound and completely diffuse. The lab is equipped with a suite of three reveberation chambers, which are used for sound transmission, sound power and sound absorption testing, measuring at 5 seconds (large chamber), 3.5 seconds (small chamber) and 2.5 seconds (lower chamber). What follows are the approximate nominal dimensions of the chambers and openings

Below are the approximate nominal dimensions of the chambers and openings:
Receiver Room: (L x W x H) 27’ X 19’ X 16’
Source Room: (L x W x H) 19’ X 11’ X 14’
Lower Room: (L x W x H) 18’ X 12’ X 8’
Wall Opening: (W x H) 8’ 1/2” X 8’ 1/2”
Floor Opening: (L x W) 14’ 1/2” X 12’ 7”